Saturday back from New York, Sunday is a day off in Italy as april 25th is the freedom day. I'm no off, as Wenger comes today. Back to Falconara airport with Peppe, university bear. From morning to after dinner with Wenger, great person, very clear, simple and concrete in explaining. Happy man, missing his daughter and wife, showing photos of his favourite pub in California. He said he did not invent anything in Community of Practice theory, I agree with him. He just described what happens, he transmits positive energy. Funny: After a long day at University, pgr and me showed him Monte Conero 'it's a great place, beautiful panoramic view of Ancona'. One hour after, cena di pesce a Civitanova, lui caccia il portatile, vi faccio vedere qualche foto, le vacanze dell'anno scorso...alle Haway!!!
End of the week: pgr asked about the car, why do you need it so often?
Last day: I picked Etienne at his hotel, drove him to Falconara airport, silent in car and talking about stupidità della Lega Nord, e poi back a Macerata.
Dinners: da Rosa la mejo, con Peppe e pgr, all'agriturismo near La Foresteria, quick and interesting conversation about Specialita companies, last night da Secondo, con University staff.
prima esperienza di traduzione simultanea, forse un po' informale, ma soddisfatta.
End of the week: pgr asked about the car, why do you need it so often?
Last day: I picked Etienne at his hotel, drove him to Falconara airport, silent in car and talking about stupidità della Lega Nord, e poi back a Macerata.
Dinners: da Rosa la mejo, con Peppe e pgr, all'agriturismo near La Foresteria, quick and interesting conversation about Specialita companies, last night da Secondo, con University staff.
prima esperienza di traduzione simultanea, forse un po' informale, ma soddisfatta.