Thursday, November 17, 2005

il tuo sorriso-Pablo Neruda

Toglimi il pane, se vuoi, toglimi l'aria, ma non togliermi il tuo sorriso. Non togliermi la rosa, la lancia che sgrani, l'acqua che d'improvviso scoppia nella tua gioia, la repentina onda d'argento che ti nasce. Dura è la mia lotta e torno con gli occhi stanchi, a volte, d'aver visto la terra che non cambia, ma entrando il tuo sorriso sale al cielo cercandomi ed apre per me tutte le porte della vita. Amor mio, nell'ora più oscura sgrana il tuo sorriso, e se d'improvviso vedi che il mio sangue macchia le pietre della strada, ridi, perché il tuo riso sarà per le mie mani come una spada fresca. Vicino al mare, d'autunno, il tuo riso deve innalzare la sua cascata di spuma, e in primavera, amore, voglio il tuo riso come il fiore che attendevo, il fiore azzurro, la rosa della mia patria sonora. Riditela della notte, del giorno, della luna, riditela delle strade contorte dell'isola, riditela di questo rozzo ragazzo che ti ama, ma quando apro gli occhi e quando li richiudo, quando i miei passi vanno, quando tornano i miei passi, negami il pane, l'aria, la luce, la primavera, ma il tuo sorriso mai, perché io ne morrei.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Pablo Neruda - ¿QUIÉN MUERE?

Muere lentamente quien se transforma en esclavo del hábito, repitiendo todos los días los mismos trayectos, quien no cambia de marca,no arriesga vestir un color nuevo y no le habla a quien no conoce. Muere lentamente quien hace de la televisión su gurú.
Muere lentamente quien evita una pasión, quien prefiere el negro sobre blanco y los puntos sobre las "íes" a un remolino de emociones, justamente las que rescatan el brillo de los ojos,sonrisas de los bostezos, corazones a los tropiezos y sentimientos.Muere lentamente quien no voltea la mesa cuando está infeliz en el
trabajo, quien no arriesga lo cierto por lo incierto para ir detrás de un sueño,quien no se permite por lo menos una vez en la vida, huir de los consejos sensatos.
Muere lentamente quien no viaja, quien no lee, quien no oye música, quien no encuentra gracia en si mismo. Muere lentamente quien destruye su amor propio, quien no se deja ayudar.
Muere lentamente, quien pasa los días quejándose de su mala suerte o de la lluvia incesante. Muere lentamente, quien abandona un proyecto antes de iniciarlo,
no preguntando de un asunto que desconoce o respondiendo cuando le indagan sobre algo que sabe. Evitemos la muerte en suaves cuotas, recordando siempre que estar vivo
exige un esfuerzo mucho mayor que el simple hecho de respirar.
Solamente la ardiente paciencia hará que conquistemos una espléndida felicidad.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Summer has come and passed,The innocent can never last,wake me up when september ends
like my fathers come to pass,seven years has gone so fast,wake me up when september ends
here comes the rain again,falling from the stars,drenched in my pain again,becoming who we are
as my memory rests, but never forgets what I lost, wake me up when september ends
summer has come and passed,the innocent can never last,wake me up when september ends
ring out the bells again,like we did when spring began,wake me up when september ends
here comes the rain again, falling from the stars, drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are
as my memory rests,but never forgets what I lost,wake me up when september ends,
Summer has come and passed,The innocent can never last,wake me up when september ends,
like my father's come to pass,twenty years has gone so fast,wake me up when september ends

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Si arriva con la neve, hotel senza riscaldamento e doccia con acqua fredda. Poi un mondo di tende, vodka, vodka, carne infilzata su spade, teatro con canti onghnonhg e ballerini colorati, freddo di notte, templi buddisti, bimbi che ridono, Laurea Honoris Causa con cappello uguale a quello degli uomini a cavallo, telefonata di Ettore durante la notte per la cena a Citanò. Chaadra, capo padrone e cacciatore solitario in montagna, ha inventato l'etichetta della prima vodka di Mongolia, dissegno della navicella spaziale dedicato al prima austronauta mongolo nello spazio. Neve a settembre, mucchio di sassi tra una collina e l'altra con sciarpe celesti, per augurarsi che la valle successiva sia buona come la precedente. Tra le persone: Chinzo e Burne, i due mongoli che verranno a MC, Gunchisuren, l'erede di Gengis Khan, Colleoni, documenti italiani e cuore mongolo, PGR occhio digitale.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Things to keep in mind

Not to work too much
Call friends
Buy presents, when it's not people's birthday
We'll survive
The positive aspect is that
Talk less, Work more, Don't think too much

Monday, September 05, 2005

What if I stop the job

I'm dreaming more often my bosses than anyother person...after 6 days of jobs nothing seems to be done, and new things are more, more and always urgent in the same way, today I thought: may be I stop everything, both jobs, I can stay without job for some week, then I ask to AHA if they need me as a teacher of italian to the American people. 'Life as I like it' is the film which should be taken into mind. Let's see tomorrow.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

summer 2005

Levanto. leaving by train at midnight from Citanò. In train, two freaks were sleeping, what a smell their feets! I slept as well. Verso le 5 di mattina, tutti svegli.Loro due non sapevano dove fosse Macerata (normale), Le Marche (un po' meno), tantomeno che fossero sul mare (...).A levanto bell'ostello e belle persone:
Milano, un consiglio: lascia stare la musica e scegli la fotografia, fai delle foto che definire poetiche è poco!! in quella del tramonto e della mattina presto, sembra di sentire il rumore del vento (....invece è la ventola del computer : ))))
E poi Carolina designing bra in Milan, Jaco deep eyes from South Africa, il tedesco del letto sopra (che botta sulle molle del materasso!). Surprise: two jelly fishes nel culo, segno ancora dopo due settimane! Bei giri a piedi nelle 5 terre, bagno la sera, pizza col pesto, focacce, cene al ristorante del campeggio. Bella prima sera: Luce, Luca, ragazzo israeliano, al pub fino alle 3.

Friday, August 12, 2005

visto da vicino, nessuno è normale

.....about me, even if you look from far away. Mid august week end. Moonlighting agency, bycicle, sleeping, sudoku are the positive aspects. Not a word about the negative ones. I bought today PFM cd, with Emozioni di Settembre.....sounds good, hope it will really be.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


in Italy it has three levels, easy, medium, difficult (and the forth actually is diabolic-evil). I'm happy to tell you that last sunday for the first time I started the difficult level: I'm still there. I needed three days for the medium, and by Christmas I'll finish this as well!!! yesterday I was sitting on a park bench, talking on my own -three, five, left, eight, no, here I can't- a teacher was there staring at me, but I didn't see him, after some minutes he came nearer, asking 'what are you seem so concentrated...' He might have thought I'm hopeless, but never mind, in christmas I'll tell him I've finished the difficult level : ))))

Maggie wrote me from Egypt, she's driving crazy as well, world would be better if wars would be replaced by sudoku global challenges.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Master end with Piceno food

morning meetings with Region expert and teachers asking questions about something they did not read (but they asked right questions, anyway, good teachers : ))). I gave the cd to everyone, included tutors and Albertone, gestore and owner of the toughest restaurant ever!! Lunch break dalle 2 alle 4, this time we deserved good bottles, not simply vino in caraffa. Briscola e fila 4. At 4, let's meet the press, sindaci ed istituzioni in Offida, belle presentazioni di lavori interessanti, at 7 let's have a bouffet together with Pecorino, Passerina and Lacrima, polenta con il truffle (il 13 luglio), stuffed olives, mixed cheeses, mixed desserts, ice vigna di cicciò.
Bella conclusione di un master forte con persone anche un po' matte.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Andrei Brodnik

second translation simultanea: shorter than Wenger, more concrete, less difficult, three-four times I left sentences on air -lasciare frasi in sospeso-. He is funny, very curious, many questions about who established the University, where the wine is produced, when the town was built. Simpaticaccio.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

dilbert translation

1-I'm going quickly to my fifth month witout any goal
2-some philosophers would say that without any goal you can help any group
3-my personal idea is more focused on 'the more you hyde, the better'

Thursday, June 16, 2005


in Italia c'è stato il referendum su procreazione assistita. Il quorum non ha superato il 30%. Grave. Ancora più grave penso sia stata la campagna per l'astensione della Chiesa (prevedibile?) ed i toni trionfalistici del giorno dopo. Ha vinto il popolo italiano-ho letto- vittoria di dimensioni bibliche. Bibliche? E poi Ruini sostiene che poche cose della legge saranno cambiate. Mi son persa qualcosa? Lo ha eletto qualcuno?. Penso sia grave:
-che lo Stato non sia percepito come laico
-che l'astensionismo 'critico' e quello delle persone al mare arrivi al 75%.
-che la Chiesa consideri questo un risultato positivo
-che la Chiesa sappia confrontarsi su temi di 2000 anni fa e non su quelli attuali
-che 'sulla vita non si vota'. Ma come: ma la vita e la ricerca non riguardano tutti? più della caccia, più dei finanziamenti ai partiti e della droga?
-che persone che hanno scelto di non avere figli, siano così influenti riguardo a questo tema.

Ho votato no riguardo alla fecondazione eterologa, capisco chi ha votato 4 no. ma non chi non è andato a votare.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Week with Wenger

Saturday back from New York, Sunday is a day off in Italy as april 25th is the freedom day. I'm no off, as Wenger comes today. Back to Falconara airport with Peppe, university bear. From morning to after dinner with Wenger, great person, very clear, simple and concrete in explaining. Happy man, missing his daughter and wife, showing photos of his favourite pub in California. He said he did not invent anything in Community of Practice theory, I agree with him. He just described what happens, he transmits positive energy. Funny: After a long day at University, pgr and me showed him Monte Conero 'it's a great place, beautiful panoramic view of Ancona'. One hour after, cena di pesce a Civitanova, lui caccia il portatile, vi faccio vedere qualche foto, le vacanze dell'anno scorso...alle Haway!!!
End of the week: pgr asked about the car, why do you need it so often?
Last day: I picked Etienne at his hotel, drove him to Falconara airport, silent in car and talking about stupidità della Lega Nord, e poi back a Macerata.
Dinners: da Rosa la mejo, con Peppe e pgr, all'agriturismo near La Foresteria, quick and interesting conversation about Specialita companies, last night da Secondo, con University staff.
prima esperienza di traduzione simultanea, forse un po' informale, ma soddisfatta.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

3-New York

again in the airport, with a green questionnaire: are you here for terrorism act, do you have any serious illness? are you crazy? who can say it? e poi: togliti the boots, check the bag, the socks ed anche la pigna della colla, come si dice da noi. New York albergo vicino al central park, sembra di conoscerlo anche se non lo hai mai visitato. I day: exhausted, we cannot enter the rooms before 4 p.m. Loro 5 tutti in giro, io sul reception sofa, I sleep untill when a guard wakes me up 'you cannot sleep here' . In the room: a shower makes miracle, at 7 p.m in Times Square and in Brooklyn by taxi, to meet the Barolo restaurant manager. He is not there, but the chef is from Pesaro!! Ci offre trenette al pesto da 10 stelle, e ci rassicura per il giorno dopo. Next day, a walk in the City Center, meeting with PR boy, and at lunchtime back to Barolo. Nice cameriere! let's arrange three table tasting, let's meet Coluccio, wine importers, not many people actually. At 7 we stop, rimetti tutto in carton box, indirizzo a cameriere (non si sa mai..), (I thought you left, my heart was broken...), e poi a cena da Raffaele. LU BASTARDU, mai idealizzare gli incontri del passato: cena schifosa, gli abbiamo portato bottiglie, pasta, olio ed Varnelli....e lui c'ha staccato un conto di 192 $ mancia esclusa!!!

Monday, May 09, 2005

2- Da Toronto a Washington

All'aereoporto di Toronto: fermi 5 ore- and we were not in Italy for a strike, everybody stayed calm with his laptop- to talk, silent, not talking, go back to Italy?-Poi si arriva al Ritz Carlton Hotel di Washington d.c. e tutte le polemiche svaniscono in 5 secondi: alle 10 p.m. invece che alle 2p.m. , il ristorante sta chiudendo ma Fabio ci vuole far provare qualcosina.......Maaaa!! in camera si entra e si accende la radio, c'è una bottiglia di champagne che ci da il benvenuto, accapatoio del Ritz, step per fare ginnastica difronte alla finestra del 22esimo piano, with Washington on your knees, e la cosa più incredibile: IL CUSCINO SULLA VASCA DA BAGNO!!!! ma io non ho capito come funzionave il rubinetto ed ho potuto fare solo la doccia. Go back to dinner topic: Fabio Trabocchi kitchen is open, he directs 20 people of his staff with the elegant delicacy of an orchestra director. Il sommelier ci apre three Californian wine bottles, one is not filtered, great....'Yeah, but the verdicchio is different.......'. I don't remember anything eaten there, just know that it was great. Morning after: breakfast in the 23-24th floor Club (you can enter only by the Card), rosa sui tavoli, parete di finestre e ciliegi in fiore di fuori! Giretto a piedi, poi si prepara per il tasting.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

US and Canada mission 1-Toronto

6 days, 6 provinciali in the hearth of business. Wine bottles in the luggage and cheese in the carton box, travelling to Toronto, great, even after only a look, Romagna Mia restaurant has high cookery, nice staff, journalists and wine importers at the tasting, Mario italo-chinese kid, rice in the forma di Parmigiano, locale scuro con molta atmosfera. Paganelli fa i salumi italiani in Canada e si fa arrivare il sale marino, perchè quello di miniera non sa di niente. Ci ha portato alle cascata di Niagara, dove il vero spettacolo non sono le cascate ma il ristoratore dentro al casino' di Niagara, Matto Pazzo, un ascolano di Campofilone, che ha 5 ristoranti li, e dalle 12 alle 17 ci ha raccontato 15 anni di carriera, di trucchi, di gare con bistecche da 2 kg, di monete attaccate per terra col silicone per far divertire i suoi clienti, di cameriere che facevano i massaggi e di pranzi a 5 $ con primo, secondo, contorno, dolce e caffè!

Monday, April 11, 2005


It's the Italian window on/of world wines. A good week-end. We left by car from Civitanova. Finally, after 10 days of 'I come', 'I can't', 'We go, but from Rome' We arrived on the one star lovely hotel in front of Garda lake. Venerdi sera tranquillo a Peschiera sul Garda, cena tutti insieme e poi a dormire. Sabato di fiera: dalle 8.30 tutti svegli, perchè in fiera si deve essere presto. Si inizia con i vini siciliani, perchè con la colazione ancora sullo stomaco forse un vino liquoroso fa meno differenza. Poi olio siciliano e Gabrielloni, poi vini calabresi (+++), mentre i masterizzati fanno pranzo, spizzico, verso un bicchiere di vino rosso sui jeans di Pamela, e poi allo stand. 'Would you like to taste some Lacrima wine?' Incontri positivi:Cliente canadese con moglie, vuole incontrare Gagliardi, perchè la madre calabrese ha lo stesso cognome. Simpatici. Massimo Mancini e signora. Saputi family. Alle 16.30 già ne ho abbastanza, usciamo da fiera e by bus back to B car park. A cena con Valentina mentre loro tornano a Verona. Problema:at 22.45 back to hotel, but the reception has already closed!!!! fino a mezzanotte e mezza di fuori FREDDOOO, poi un'altra ora a dormire in ingresso, poi arrivono loro e mi salvano. DOMENICA giornata bellissima a Cremona, con formaggi di tutta Italia, freddo, poi back to Civitanova and boots in Mimmo car.

Friday, April 01, 2005

new month

Today, end of a week with a new job and less time for the old, week with holland group arriving tomorrow, with good friends always near, with longer sunlight, with meeting for renting brother office, with weekend translation for Wenger conferences, for swimming the swimming pool does not enter in this week, but it was good as well.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Song Translation-General

General, behind the hill

The dark killer night is there,

And in the middle of the field

A peasant, curve on the sunset

As a girl in her fifty with five children,

Coming in this world as rabbits do

Leaving this world as soldiers,

Not yet back.

General, behind the station,

You see the train, which goes to the sun.

It never stops, not event to piss,

You go straight home

Without thinking

That war is good, even if it makes bad
That we’ll be back singing again and

Nurses will make love to us

General, the war has finished,

The enemy has left, has been won and defetead,

Behind the hill, nobody anylonger,

Just pine needles, silence and mushrooms,

Good to be eaten and dried,

For the Cristmas sauce,

When children cried,

As they don’t want to sleep.

General, these five stars,

These five tears on my skin,

What is their sense inside the noise of this train,

Which is half empty and half full,

It goes back quickly,

In two minutes it’s almost day,

It’s almost home, it’s almost love.

(from Generale, Francesco de Gregori)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

feel like moonish

A moon weather, today in Piediripa, IT. 6p.m. the sun is shining in front of dark hills, grey clouds and snow, which two days ago left the sky and has not arrived yet to the brown fields.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

go and visit the blog of a clever man. It's in italian, if you need it, just ask me for any translation.
topics: war, fair trade, clean energy, and more more

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Song translation 2:The cure

I’ll protect you from fears of every fear,

From chaos you’ll meet in your way from today on

From injustice and tricks of your days

From failures you’ll attract just by nature.

I’ll lift you up from pains and changes in your mood

From your mania obsessions
I’ll overcome gravity flows,

Space and light,

So you’ll never get old.
And you’ll recover from any illness,

As you are special,

And I’ll take care of you.
I was wondering among Tennessee fiedls,

(don’t know how I did arrive there)

Don’t you have white flowers for me,

My dreams cross the sea

Faster than me.

I’ll bring you silence and patience above all,

We’ll go together across the road sto essence

Love perfumes will drive our bodies crazy,
August calm will not calm our senses.
I’ll weave your hair as songlines,

I know the world laws,

and I’ll give it to you as a present.
I’ll overcome gravity flows,

Space and light,

So you’ll never get old.
I’ll save you from the blues
as you’re special and I’ll take care of you,

Just me, I’ll take care of you

(from the italian La cura, Battiato)

Monday, January 24, 2005

The winged road

He was late, by car in a foggy night. He had to be in time, took the first road, 'It's the wrong one ...I'm lost' and arrived just out of her place. The night after he went back on the top of the hill, he didn't find that road. Months after Jake was driving 'My friend is leaving, I need to meet him before' , again he did turn on a new direction and arrived at the railway station before Luis did leave for good. The winged road is just there, take it anywhere and arrive wherever you want.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

you studied people!

don't know what to do? ok, just give me a ring, I'll give you the link to my job home page, so you can correct all that myriads of mistakes I wrote there down. Thanks thanks! anna

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


What's positive today? nothing, today nothing. I wrote to a translator, a professional translator he said. I gave him the link to the damn site I'm working to since ages. He said it's shit, ok not real shit, but.....a total global check in is necessary. Pork the misery does not mean anything in english, nor dirty pork, while porca zozza and porca miseria do mean a lot in italian. As Lepschji perfectly explained, translation is not simply changing words.

What if today I had written it, instead of my no-point docs?

The dream

<>I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed - we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Songs translation1

you don't know
how much I've loved
and how much I still do,
and you don't know as I've never told you,
in love words don't count, the music does.

as Palomar

you think about him, you imagine where to meet him, what to say, his reply, your re-reply, 'yes, now I move my hand...', your clothes, his jeans. no, reload. New dream, new place, I'll say that, he will not reply, sooo I'll ask.........Then when you know that you'll meet him this evening, end of the joke. Palomar is the hero of Calvino's book. He is walking around the beach, he sees her, he is looking for the perfect sentence for his dreams' girl, selecting the perfect words for soooo long. Then he finds them, but she had left.